Common Causes of Metal Roof Damage

» Posted by on Dec 24, 2021 in Roof Service | 0 comments

Metal roof get damaged due to a lot of reasons and it’s important that you do something about it fast. While some of the damages seem to be minor, they can cause a lot of trouble for you later on. If these damages remain undetected, the structural integrity of your roof may get compromised.  

The worse enemy of roofs is water. Once water started to intrude your home, it can cause a plethora of issues you wish you never have to worry with. When left unaddressed, these issues can worsen, spread, worsen and cause major trouble.  

Common Roof Anomalies  

Roofs are designed in such a way water should flow down to the gutter and eaves freely. No water should remain on the roof for a long period of time. That is when major issues occur. It is also why you should hire an experienced Medford roofing contractor to help you out with maintenance and repair. When it comes to inspecting roofs, roofers have to be very meticulous in spotting the anomalies listed below.  

1. Rusting 

Any rusting on the surface rust is a major problem. If you notice any brownish or reddish flaky coating on the roof, then it means that the metal has oxidized. Such process was triggered by moisture. A rusty roof is no longer a strong roof.  

2. Deflection  

Deflection happens when the metal roofing panels get bent or crimped. Any deflection will lead to water accumulating on your metal roof. Standing water, in turn, will cause of rust and leaks. In essence, your roof should be smooth and straight at all times. 

3. Oil canning 

Oil canning is when the roofing gets wavy where it should be flat. While this doesn’t pose a structural hazard to the metal roof, it may lead to major problems later on. Proper installation of roofs is necessary to prevent oil canning.   

4. Movements 

Top notch roofing contractors know that metal roofs are supposed to move a little so as to let water flow off continuously. If any repairs on the roof keep it from being flexible, then that’s when the problem occurs. A fixed patched on the roof that moves will lead to roof leaks. That’s the reason why you should use rubberized patches when repairing roofs.  

5. Punctures  

When your roof is punctured, you can very well sure that you’ll have problems with leaks later on. Punctures may be caused by heavy foot traffic on the roof when it was being constructed or maintained. The installation of HVAC equipment may also cause this anomaly. It’s best that a walkway is installed on the roof so it won’t have to withstand unnecessary weight too much. This is highly necessary especially if you have a skylight installed.  

These are the common problems that you encounter on metal roofs. You have to watch out for these anomalies if you want to make sure that your roof stays strong and sturdy for a long period of time. Roofs are supposed to protect your family from the elements and severe weather conditions. Make sure it does its job all the time. 

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